Thursday, 22 August 2013

Piano Lessons Ottawa

                                      Kanata Piano Lessons:

This September, enroll your child in piano lessons, for a gift that will last forever!

 Nurture his creativity, stimulate his mind, and enhance his IQ.

Give him a means of self expression, and a gift that will last forever!, study with the best.

Register now, I look forward to hearing from you.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Piano lessons Ottawa



this fall,

 give your child the gift that will last 

          ................a lifetime         

SIGN UP now to unwrap your child's potential.


Sally Rowsell, M. Mus, B. Mus, B. Mus Ed, RMT, senior RCM examiner

Let's get started!

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Ottawa Piano Lessons

Hello Ottawa!

I am excited to be the newest member of your piano teaching community situated in Kanata.

If you are considering piano lessons for your child, here are some things to think about:

Piano lessons  make you smarter!
Studies have shown that the  IQ of your child will be higher with the advantage of piano lessons from an early age.

Piano lessons and math scores have a high correlation.
If you want your child's math marks to climb, add piano lessons to the mix.

Piano lessons develop discipline, focus and concentration, release a child's creative spark, and allow for a positive emotional experience.

In fact, piano lessons and the study of music grow areas of the brain that remain dormant without this particular creative stimulation.

Piano lessons is a gift you give your child that remains with them for life.

Success in music equals success in life. Don't delay, enroll your child in piano lessons for a start this fall. It is never too late to learn to play and reap the numerous benefits of fine music instruction.

I look forward to meeting you!

Sally Rowsell  M. Mus,